grenke for tradesmen

Whether you are a locksmith, a painter or a fitter – as a tradesmen you need solutions that reduce your office hours and financial worries. Solutions that grenke can offer.

As dif­fer­ent as the job pro­files in the trades­men in­dustry may be, they all have sim­ilar re­quire­ments from a com­mer­cial per­spect­ive. This as­pect is still a part of things, but in an ideal world, it should just be tak­ing care of it­self in the back­ground without in­ter­fer­ing in the core busi­ness. grenke can really take the bur­den off your shoulders in this re­spect.

We provide support in the form of made-to-measure financing solutions so that shipbuilders can focus entirely on designing the perfect keel, interior designers can devote their attentions to furnishing trends and orthopaedic technicians can spend their time ensuring optimum ergonomics. And our financial consulting services are tailored to your tradesmen business. Because we know our business as well as you do yours. 

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02 9260 3600

Mo - Fr 8.30 am - 5 pm


03 9132 4500

Mo - Fr 8.30 am - 5 pm

Ensuring that your tradesmen also turn a profit

Your tradesmen business may well be your calling. But as rewarding as the work may be, it won’t be a success if you don’t earn money. We’re there to help if you’re looking for a way of investing in your business now without putting too much strain on your financial buffer. One of these ways is tool leasing – with tailored financial consulting for trademen and suitable products.

What type of leasing suits you?

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Take three steps to your fitting leasing solution

There are different types of leasing based on your investment needs. Take our test and find out in no time which one is right for you.

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What would you like to do?

Finance your next step

Have you been running your own workshop for years and want to grow? If you don’t want to reach your financial limits too quickly, simply lease workshop tools, machinery and more with grenke.

When your industry is re-inventing itself

Do you work in the electrical engineering industry? Or in another industry with similarly short innovation cycles? A Master Lease Agreement is your perfect leasing option if you don’t want to be constantly faced with financial obstacles every time you come to upgrade your equipment.

Faster financing equals better financing

Do you need a specific piece of equipment to implement an innovation in your production process? Classic Lease allows you to finance even the most capital-intensive investments  and consistently retain your cutting edge.


Your needs are unique, and so is our financial consulting.

Do you have a very special request? Let’s talk about it. We’ll be happy to take care of you in person.

Popular products for tradesmen

Still not entirely sure how we can help you? Find out about our solutions.